Clover in the Willow

The Meaning and The Team

Clover in the Willow

There is a cat named Clover and tree named Willow. Clover is tempered in manner, approaching life with a gentle ease. Willow is expansive, determined and ever on the move. Willow was born a tree, rooted to the ground. She would watch Clover climb her branches and chase crickets in the grass. Willow longed to be able to go beyond, “I yearn for legs like you so that I can also leave this spot. There is so much life out there for me to see!”

“And I wish I could feel grounded, connected to Earth, and steady among the seasons,” yawned Clover.

“We’ll experience this life together and share our wonders, then.” And so, they spent the days together. Clover bringing her stories back to the Willow and the Willow providing a place for a peaceful rest.

Our team


Summer Post, Spiritual Guide

Spirituality connected me to the cherished pieces of life - nature, stillness, meaning, and intention. I was definitely not into tarot or spiritual practices growing up. My background is in biopsychology, so I relate well to people who consider spirituality “woo-woo” (because I was once there). I also have a data driven, analytical mind that helps with organizing and planning that I want to bring into my work with you.

Spirituality offers a ritualistic connection to intention. It came to me especially when I needed to cope with existential depression and a medical procedure. It gave me the reassurance that this lifetime is not it, and if it’s not I won’t know. Until the end though, I find myself wanting to connect with life, people and animals in an intentional way. I want to help people slow down and create a life of fulfillment given our circumstances.

Clover Monover, Lover

Clover brings the sweet, soft energy of the ying. She is patient and observant. She demands the household be kind to one another. She’s a mediator and will take all the time to get others acquainted to her. She comes running if someone needs timeout, so they are not alone. You can find her cuddled beneath the sheets. She reminds us that growth requires a gentle, patient path.

Willow Pillow, Adventurer

Willow brings the yang energy! We can always rely on finding her outside sun bathing underneath our trees or catching bugs in the yard. If she wants it, she gets it. Whether that’s your lap, accessing the dog door to escape or the attention in the room. She’s the perfect example of balancing loving kindness with assertive boundaries.