Connect with life in a meaningful way


  • Tarot and oracles can help us access our intuition and feel a greater sense of purpose in this world. The practice of spirituality invites us to slow down and connect with what is truly important. It helps us feel connected to each other in this lifetime and beyond.

  • I was when I was first exposed to tarot. I was unsure if spirits would come in my house or I would access bad energy. This held me back from connecting with my intuition. I learned that tarot was created originally as a deck of playing cards. Meaning was later assigned to these cards. I interpret this history through a secular and psychological lense - the cards posses the meaning we apply to them.

  • Absolutely! Tarot, oracles and astrology are not a dogma. There are many backgrounds that can utilize these ancients wisdoms in addition to their religion.

  • In our meetings, we will check-in using cards to reflect on themes and open a channel of discussion. We will review goals and actions from last session. Then, you’ll leave with an action plan. See more on the “service” page.

    Expect spiritual, psychological, cognitive, and somatic growth. Experiences from your life may be uncovered in such a way that greater support is needed, such as counseling. I offer this dual service with my private practice Rediscover You Counseling. These services are completely different. You may also receive referrals for local therapists if needed.

  • Life is so busy these days. We either have one job that takes most of the day away or 2-3 jobs that we bounce between. It’s hard to find the time to take care of ourselves, especially if we have furrbabies, children and family to spend time with. Taking the time to plan and execute goals can be impossible and near exhausting.

    I can do the organizing for you, check-in with reminders, help you set time aside for your hobbies and create structure so that you can do all the things that bring you purpose.

  • -I want to find myself.

    -I want to find a new career.

    -I want to feel closer to my family.

    -I experienced injury and need to rebuild my life or find a new purpose.

    -I no longer connect with my religion, but I want to connect with something.

    -I want to work through grief or what life means

    The word ‘goal’ fits well with coaching but, honestly, the word can bring a lot of pressure. Especially, if you are not sure what the future brings for you. I use this word loosely to represent aspirations and check-in points.

  • Clover in the Willow is a good space for people who are seeking an alternative to counseling or traditional dogma. Our work centers around goal setting and self-exploration rather than going deep into topics. I let the cards do the talking.

  • Clover in the Willow does not provide mental health counseling. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, but strictly practice these interventions through Rediscover You Counseling. I do not practice as a counselor with Clover in the Willow.

    Clover in the Willow provides guidance for self-reflection of tarot and oracles. I hope to create a space for spiritual connection. I do not offer mental health support (depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.). Please find a therapist in conjunction with this service if greater support is needed.